3042 summon

今天我们要学的词是summon. Summon动词,有召见,传唤的意思。The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned envoys of foreign states that expelled Russian diplomats to hand them notes of protest and inform them of Russia's retaliatory measures. 俄罗斯外交部召见了驱逐俄罗斯外交官的外国特使,向他们提出抗议书,并告知俄罗斯将采取报复性措施。Former South African President Jacob Zuma, who has been charged with corruption, fraud and racketeering, was summoned to appear in court. 被控腐败、舞弊和诈骗的前南非总统祖马被法庭传唤。好的,我们今天学习的词是summon, summon, summon ...

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