3096 credibility

今天我们要学的词是credibility. Credibility 名词,信誉,可信度。The U.S. government is shutting down a planned study testing whether moderate drinking has health benefits over concerns that its funding by the alcohol industry would compromise its credibility. 美国政府取消了一项计划中有关适量饮酒是否有益健康的研究,担心研究经费由制酒业买单会影响研究的可信度。The U.S. Justice Department's internal auditor sharply criticized former FBI Director James Comey for "damaging the FBI's credibility." 美国司法部内部审计部门对联邦调查局前局长科米提出严肃批评,说他“伤害了联调局的信誉”。好的,我们今天学习的词是 credibility, credibility, credibility ...

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