3124 wage

今天我们要学的词是 wage. Wage 作为动词,有发动的意思。A top CIA expert on Asia said that China is waging a “quiet kind of cold war” against the United States. 中央情报局一位亚洲问题专家说,中国正在对美国发动一场“静悄悄的冷战”。The Philippine military estimates that about 3,900 Marxist insurgents continue to wage a low-level, rural-based rebellion, which has raged since 1969. 菲律宾军方估计,还有大约3900名反叛力量继续自1969年以来的最基层的,以农村地区为主要阵地的反叛活动。好的,我们今天学习的词是wage, wage, wage …

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