3136 outnumber

今天我们要学的词是 outnumber. Outnumber 动词,意思是在数量上超过。Anti-racist protesters far outnumbered the white supremacists who rallied across from the White House last Sunday. 上星期天在白宫对面集会的反种族歧视抗议者的人数远远超过了白人至上主义者的人数。U.S. employers posted slightly more job openings in June than the previous month, outnumbering unemployed people for the third straight month. 美国雇主6月开出的招聘职位的数量稍许超过5月份,连续第三个月超过失业人口数量。好的,我们今天学习的词是outnumber, outnumber, outnumber ...

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