3181 falter

今天我们要学的词是 falter.

falter 是减弱,动摇,畏缩不前的意思。Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke, whose well-funded bid is to unseat GOP Sen. Ted Cruz has faltered in the polls in recent weeks. 得克萨斯州众议员奥罗克竞选资金雄厚,试图取代现任共和党籍参议员克鲁兹,但他在最近几周的民意调查中势头减弱。

Saudi Arabia's economic dreams are faltering as western executives pull out of Riyadh's premier business conference. 随着西方企业高管退出利雅得首屈一指的商业大会,沙特阿拉伯的经济梦想受挫。

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