3198 bicker

今天我们要学的词是 bicker.

bicker 的意思是争吵,拌嘴。 Apple won't release its first 5G Phone for another 2 years while bickering with its supplier, Intel, over 5G chips that generate too much heat. 苹果公司要到两年后才会发布其首款5G手机,现在正在和他们的芯片供应商英特尔就5G芯片产生过多热量的问题争吵。

If people go to Twitter to bicker over current events and to Facebook to see what old classmates are up to, Instagram is where they go to relax, scroll and feast their eyes. 如果人们上推特是为了争论时事,上脸书是看看老同学都在做什么,那么Instagram就是他们放松、刷屏、一饱眼福的地方。

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