3217 underpin

今天我们要学的词是 underpin.

underpin 的意思是支撑,尤其指一个看法、论点得以成立的基础。 Environmental analysts warned that wilder weather and rising sea levels could “underpin a whole host of social issues” such as poverty, violence and resource insecurity in African cities. 环境分析人士警告说,恶劣的天气和海平面上升可能会给非洲城市带来一系列社会问题,包括贫困、暴力和资源无保障。

The United States and China are still far apart on the fundamental differences underpinning the trade war between them. 美中两国之间在导致贸易战的根本问题上的分歧仍然相距甚远。

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