3245 beef up

今天我们要学的词是 beef up.

Beef是牛肉,用作动词to beef up的时候是加强、增强。The Mexican government announced its plan recently to beef up security along the nation's southern border with Guatemala, to prevent future ‘migrant caravans' from entering the country. 墨西哥政府最近公布计划,加强与危地马拉接壤的南部边境安全,以防止未来的“移民大军”进入该国。

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio plans to spend at least $100 million to beef up city-subsidized medical services for residents without health insurance, including illegal immigrants. 纽约市市长白思豪计划至少花费1亿美元加强市政府补贴的医疗服务,提供给没有医疗保险的居民,包括非法移民。

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