3304 potent

今天我们要学的词是 potent.

potent 的意思是强有力的、有效的。 The Cuban government says a newsprint shortage is forcing state-run newspapers to cut back on pages and circulation in a potent sign of the cash shortage confronting the island. 古巴政府表示,报纸印刷纸张的短缺迫使国营报刊减少页面和发行量,这是这个岛国面临资金短缺的有力迹象。

Fentanyl, a highly potent synthetic opioid, is one of a number of drugs responsible for the growing number of deaths of drug users in the United States. 芬太尼是一种效力极高的合成阿片类药物,是导致美国越来越多吸毒成瘾死亡人数的药物之一。

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