3305 stymie

今天我们要学的词是 stymie.

stymie 是动词,意思是妨碍,阻碍。 The Maldives new president's agenda has been stymied because some of his party's allies in a governing coalition are aligned with the former leader who has been widely accused of corruption. 马尔代夫新总统的议程受到阻碍,原因是他的党派在执政联盟中的一些盟友与受到大量腐败指控的前领导人保持一致。

Some Democrat law makers charge that President Trump's shrinking budget for the State Department would undermine U.S. leadership and stymie worldwide efforts to counter extremism, terrorism and disinformation. 一些民主党议员指责特朗普总统缩减国务院预算将破坏美国的领导地位,阻碍全球打击极端主义、恐怖主义和虚假信息的努力。

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