3308 billow

今天我们要学的词是 billow.

Billow作为动词的意思是波浪一般的涌动、翻腾。A major fire irrupted in the famed Medieval Notre-Dame cathedral in central Paris, with smoke billowing over the city. 巴黎市中心著名的中世纪古迹巴黎圣母院内燃起大火,巴黎上空弥漫着滚滚浓烟。

billow也可用作名词。For many people, the idea that the black billows from truck tailpipes and power plant smokestacks are altering the earth's atmosphere seems abstract. 对于许多人来说,卡车排气管和发电厂烟囱排出的滚滚黑烟改变着地球大气层的这一看法似乎是抽象的。

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