3364 precipice

今天我们要学的词是 precipice.

precipice 原是指悬崖绝壁,或者危险的境地。 With cellphones becoming more sophisticated, internet becoming faster, and VR headsets becoming cheaper, we are at the precipice of a whole new virtual world. 随着手机越来越复杂,网络越来越快,虚拟实景眼镜越来越便宜,我们即将坠入一个全新的虚拟世界。

Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced recently that drug-overdose deaths in the US are on the precipice of declining for the first time in decades. 美国疾病控制和预防中心的官员最近宣布,美国因用药过量死亡的人数正处在下降边缘,这是数十年来次第一次。

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