3379 precaution

今天我们要学的词是 precaution.


precaution 的意思是预防、预防措施。 The National Weather Service warned a "dangerous heat wave" paired with high humidity in the United States over the weekend could quickly cause heat stress or heat stroke, if precautions are not taken. 美国国家气象局发出警告,如果不采取预防措施,周末来袭的“危险热浪”加上高湿气候会迅速引起热应激反应或中暑。

British Airways suspended flights to Cairo for seven days "as a security precaution" as it reviews condition at the Cairo airport. 英国航空公司将飞往开罗的航班暂停7天,这是该公司在审查开罗机场状况之际采取的 “安全预防措施”。

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