3389 dampen

今天我们要学的词是 dampen.

dampen 的意思是泼冷水、减弱。 A sharp escalation in U.S.-China trade tensions will likely dampen commodity prices and keep capital investments in a tight holding pattern. 美中贸易紧张局势急剧升级可能会抑制大宗商品价格,使得资本投资处于紧缩状态。

In Thailand and Malaysia, debt has ballooned due to booms in the auto and housing markets, and the growing repayment burden has dampened consumer sentiment. 在泰国和马来西亚,由于汽车和住房市场的繁荣导致个人债务激增,不断增加的还款负担抑制了消费者信心。

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