3401 immersive

今天我们要学的词是 immersive.


immersive 的意思是沉浸其中,身临其境的。 A team of researchers came up with new immersive technologies that allow people from all over the world to experience performing arts in a breathtakingly beautiful setting without getting up from their couch. 一组研究人员开发出新的拟真技术,让世界各地的人们可以坐在自己的沙发上体验精美绝伦的布景中的表演艺术。

A new CBS television show “The Good Fight” is a political-based drama that is fully immersive in real-time politics, with plots that involve real-named individuals in the political circles in DC. 哥伦比亚广播公司新推出的“The Good Fight”是一部完全以正在发生的政治事件为背景的政治性电视剧,故事情节涉及到华盛顿政界的真人真事。

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