3426 hearsay

今天我们要学的词是 hearsay.


hearsay 的意思是传闻,道听途说。 The US intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings, and allowed whistleblowers to use ‘hearsay' when filing a complaint. 美国情报机构秘密地取消了对举报人的一项要求,就是必须提供被控不法行为的直接的、第一手资料,而允许举报人可以根据“传闻”提出投诉。

Some U.S. lawmakers are proposing a so-called "red flag" confiscation law that would enable police to summarily seize an individual's guns based on hearsay. 美国一些议员提出一项所谓的“危险警告”没收法案,授权警方可以根据传言随时没收个人枪支。

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