3427 insinuate

今天我们要学的词是 insinuate.


insinuate 的意思是暗示,含沙射影。House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez recently insinuated that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was a racist for criticizing her. 众议员科特兹最近暗示众议院议长佩洛西对她进行批评,是一名种族主义者。

insinuate 也有谄媚,巴结上的意思。How Jeffrey Epstein, a rich, self-proclaimed hedge-fund manager and alleged child sex-trafficker insinuated himself into the company of the likes of Bill Clinton remains unclear. 爱泼斯坦这位自称是对冲基金经理、被控为儿童色情人贩的富豪如何与比尔·克林顿这样的人为伍,一直是个谜。

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