3459 facade

今天我们要学的词是 facade.

facade 的意思是外墙,表面。 For over two decades, the Trump International Hotel and Tower has been a recognizable NYC landmark with its golden façade and luxury interiors. 二十多年来,特朗普国际酒店和大厦以其金色的外墙和豪华的装修,一直是纽约市公认的地标。

Burundi's leaders say the country is stable and the streets are bustling with daily life. But behind that facade some residents say that people are living in fear that the upcoming election could be bloody. 布隆迪领导人声称国家形势稳定,人民生活日趋繁荣。但是在那个表象的背后,一些居民表示大家担忧即将到来的选举可能会导致流血。

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