3490 treason

今天我们要学的词是 treason.

学个词 - treason
学个词 - treason

treason 的意思是叛国,叛国罪。 A special court in Pakistan has sentenced former president and military dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf to death on charges of treason for undermining the constitution. 巴基斯坦的一个特别法庭以叛国罪判处前总统兼军事独裁者穆沙拉夫死刑,他被控破坏宪法。

treason的形容词形式是 treasonous. Billionaire investor, Facebook board member, and Trump supporter Peter Thiel recently called on the FBI and CIA to investigate Google for the “seemingly treasonous” act of aiding the Chinese military. 美国亿万富翁投资人、脸书的董事会成员和特朗普总统支持者彼得·蒂尔最近呼吁联邦调查局和中央情报局对谷歌“看似叛国”的行为进行调查。

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