3491 misguided

今天我们要学的词是 misguided.

学个词 - misguided
学个词 - misguided

misguided 的意思是误导的,误入歧途的。With North Korea's end-of-year threats and its misguided belief that it can influence the 2020 U.S. presidential election, some fear the Korean Peninsula could soon return to a state of major tensions. 朝鲜在年底将至发出的威胁,以及相信它会影响2020美国总统大选的误判,让一些人担心朝鲜半岛的局势很快会再度紧张。

While thousands “of Google employees have signed a pledge not to develop AI for use in weapons,” the Telegraph's report explained that the backlash against this technology can be childish and misguided. 尽管数千名“ 谷歌员工签署承诺,拒绝开发用于武器的人工智能”,但《电讯报》的报道解释说,对人工智能技术的反对可能是不成熟和误导的结果。

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