3507 harbinger

今天我们要学的词是 harbinger.

学个词 - harbinger
学个词 - harbinger

harbinger 的意思是预兆、先驱。 If the Producers Guild Award is a true harbinger of the Oscars' best film category, then the World War I film "1917" is poised to come away with the top honor in a few weeks. 如果制片人协会奖是奥斯卡最佳影片奖的预兆,那么讲述第一次世界大战的电影《 1917》有望在几周内摘得桂冠

President Trump drew the attention of reporters to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's historic victory in the United Kingdom's elections, suggesting it might be a "harbinger" of his own success in 2020. 特朗普总统提请记者注意英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在英国大选中取得的历史性胜利,暗示这可能“预示”他自己能在2020年胜选。

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