3539 comprehensive

今天我们要学的词是 comprehensive.

学个词 - comprehensive
学个词 - comprehensive

comprehensive 的意思是全面的,综合性的。 After the signing of a historic agreement with the U.S., the Taliban committed to beginning talks with Afghan national leaders on a “permanent and comprehensive ceasefire.” 在与美国签署历史性协议后,塔利班承诺将开始与阿富汗国家领导人就“永久和全面停火”展开谈判。

The World Health Organization has called for a comprehensive approach to the new coronavirus, saying the virus does not respect borders and nations must prevent new infections in their territory. 世界卫生组织呼吁对新型冠状病毒采取综合措施,并表示病毒不分国界,各国必须防止在其境内出现新的感染病例。

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