3540 marvel

今天我们要学的词是 marvel.

学个词 - marvel
学个词 - marvel

marvel 是指奇妙的事,奇迹。 The Grand Canyon is one of the marvels of the natural world, there are more than 5 million visitors attracted to this National Park in Arizona each year. 大峡谷是大自然的奇观之一,每年有500多万游客被吸引到亚利桑那州的这个国家公园。

Thousands of people along a swath of southern Asia witnessed the marvel of a so-called “ring of fire” solar eclipse, in which a thin outer ring of the sun is still visible. 有数千人在南亚大片地区目睹了被称为“火环”的日食奇观,就是仍能看到(被遮挡的)太阳露出薄薄的外环。

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