3557 en route

今天我们要学的词是 en route. En is spelled E-N, en, and route, R-O-U-T-E, route, en route.

En route 的意思是在途中。The US Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort departed from Norfolk, Virginia, Saturday en route to New York City to assist with the coronavirus outbreak.

Disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein was diverted to a hospital in New York while en route to Rikers Island prison, after he complained of chest painsfollowing his guilty verdict. 颜面尽失的电影制片人哈维·温斯坦在被判罪名成立之后,因提出胸部疼痛而被转往纽约的一家医院,而不是前去(纽约市)赖克斯岛监狱。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 en route, en route, en route.

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