3570 surrogate

学个词 ---surrogate
学个词 ---surrogate

今天我们要学的词是 surrogate. Surrogate is spelled S-U-R-R-O-G-A-T-E, surrogate.

Surrogate 的意思是替代。Former US President Barack Obama endorses Joe Biden for president, giving the former vice president a powerful surrogate and fundraiser as he heads into the general election against President Trump. 美国前总统奥巴马宣布支持前副总统拜登竞选总统,成为在拜登进入与特朗普总统进行对决的大选之际强有力的代理和筹款人。

Those who blame Russia's influence in American politics believe that there was a hack of the Democratic National Committee server that was carried out by a Russian surrogate or directly by Moscow's military intelligence arm. 那些指责俄罗斯对美国政治发挥影响力的人认为,民主党全国委员会的服务器曾遭到的黑客入侵是由俄罗斯代理人或莫斯科的军事情报部门直接造成的。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 surrogate, surrogate, surrogate.

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