3572 spectator

学个词 --- spectator
学个词 --- spectator

今天我们要学的词是 spectator. Spectator is spelled S-P-E-C-T-A-T-O-R, spectator.

spectator 的意思是旁观者,观众。 Several California colleges are moving ahead with e-game competitions, normally held as spectator events, with players facing off remotely from their homes. 加利福尼亚州的几所大学正在推进通过网络进行的游戏比赛,这些比赛通常有现场观众,现在则是参赛者在家里隔空对决。

Capitol Hill’s famous cherry blossoms have lured spectators out of their self-isolation to enjoy the blooms, in spite of warnings from officials to practice social distancing due to the coronavirus outbreak. 国会山著名的樱花吸引了赏樱者们走出自我隔离,享受樱花绽放,尽管有关官员警告说,在冠状病毒大爆发期间要保持社交距离。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 spectator, spectator, spectator ...

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