3581 makeshift

学个词 ---makeshift
学个词 ---makeshift
今天我们要学的词是 makeshift. Makeshift is spelled M-A-K-E-S-H-I-F-T, makeshift.

makeshift 的意思是临时的,代用的。 A world famous chef has turned giant stadiums into makeshift kitchens to help those in need during the coronavirus pandemic by cooking and giving away free food. 在新冠疫情大流行期间,一位世界级的名厨把巨型体育场变成了临时厨房,以厨艺和赠餐来帮助有需要的人。

South African engineers and doctors are designing makeshift, inexpensive devices to address a major challenge posed by the coronavirus crisis - the lack of ventilators for patients. 南非的工程师和医生们正在设计廉价的呼吸机代用设备,以解决新冠病毒危机带来的一个主要挑战,就是缺乏救治患者的呼吸机。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 makeshift, makeshift, makeshift ...
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