3584 ricochet

学个词 ---ricochet
学个词 ---ricochet
今天我们要学的词是 ricochet. Ricochet is spelled R-I-C-O-C-H-E-T, ricochet.

ricochet 的意思是反弹,跳弹。The latest wave of coronavirus infections, mostly among migrant workers, highlights how Singapore ricocheted from a seeming success case to having the most infections in Southeast Asia. 新加坡最新一轮冠状病毒感染主要出现在外劳人员中,凸显出新加坡如何从一个东南亚看似成功的案例急转成为感染最严重的国家。

Like a shot ricocheting at Heaven’s Door as Planet Lockdown is the new normal, Bob Dylan has released a stunning 17-minute masterpiece dissecting the November 22, 1963, assassination of John Kennedy. 在全球强制隔离成为新常态之际,如同一记敲打“天堂之门”的回声,鲍勃·迪伦推出了一首长达17分钟的惊人杰作,剖析了1963年11月22日约翰·肯尼迪遭暗杀的事件。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 ricochet, ricochet, ricochet ...
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