3597 rendezvous

今天我们要学的词是 rendezvous. Rendezvous is spelled R-E-N-D-E-Z-V-O-U-S, rendezvous.

rendezvous 的意思是会合,对接。 Iran and Venezuela hailed victorious 'defiance' over the US as Venezuela’s Ocean Patroller rendezvoused with an Iranian tanker on Saturday in international waters. 委内瑞拉的一艘巡洋舰星期六在国际水域与伊朗的一艘油轮对接,两国欢呼这是对美国进行的胜利的“反抗”。

Astronauts will likely perform a demonstration of the Orion spacecraft’s deep space rendezvous capabilities in a high-altitude orbit around Earth on its first piloted test flight, now scheduled for 2023. 宇航员可能会在 “猎户座”飞船现定于2023年进行的首次试飞中,在围绕地球的高空轨道上对飞船的深空对接能力进行演示。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 rendezvous, rendezvous, rendezvous ...
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