3602 precarious

今天我们要学的词是 precarious. Precarious is spelled P-R-E-C-A-R-I-O-U-S, precarious.

precarious 的意思是岌岌可危的,不稳定的。While many are excited about the China-funded redevelopment of an iconic fishing community in Ghana, the demolition of over 300 temporary and permanent structures has also raised fears for already precarious livelihoods. 尽管加纳许多人对该国一个标志性的渔业社区得到中国的资助进行重建感到兴奋,但拆除当地300多个临时和永久性建筑物也让人们对已经难以为继的生活感到担忧。

Despite Sudan’s precarious economic and political situation, hopes are growing that the country could soon be in a position to open its doors to outside investment. 尽管苏丹的经济和政治局势不稳定,但人们对苏丹能够很快向外界投资敞开大门的希望越来越大。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 precarious, precarious, precarious ...
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