3620 condone

今天我们要学的词是 condone. Condone is spelled C-O-N-D-O-N-E, condone.

condone 的意思是宽容,宽恕。 IBM is no longer offering general purpose facial recognition or analysis software. The company says it will not condone uses of any technology for “mass surveillance” or “racial profiling". IBM不再提供用于面部识别或分析等一般用途的软件,并表示不会容忍将任何技术用于“大规模监控”或“种族定性”。

French President Emmanual Macron said he would not condone racism but would also not condone the destruction or removal of any of France’s history, good and bad, including statues. 法国总统马克龙表示,他不会容忍种族主义,但也不会纵容对无论是好是坏的法国历史,包括雕像在内进行破坏或清除。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 condone, condone, condone ...
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