376 glamour

今天我们要学的词是glamour。 Glamour, 是魅力的意思。"A glamour shot," 是艺术照。"The glamour of Hollywood," 是好莱坞的魅力。美国年度金球奖因为剧作家协会的罢工而取消了颁奖典礼,改为新闻发布会。"The strike has tarnished the glamour of the Golden Globe Awards," 罢工让金球奖魅力大减。

北美国际汽车展本周在底特律开幕。"Auto executives around the globe gathered for the glitz and glamour of the annual auto show in Detroit," 世界各地的汽车业总裁被这一年一度的汽车盛会所吸引,云集底特律。好的,今天我们学习的词是glamour...

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