421 slump

今天我们要学的词是slump。 Slump, 有大幅度下跌的意思。"U.S. futures slumped on Monday after the central bank cut its lending rate and JPMorgan Chase agreed to buy its rival Bear Stearns," 美国联邦储备委员会宣布下调贷款贴现率以及摩根大通银行收购对手贝尔斯登的消息让星期一的美国期货市场出现了下跌。"The biggest housing slump in a generation has prompted Americans to spend less on furniture, appliances and automobiles," 二十多年来最严重的房屋市场下跌促使美国人减少了在家具、电器和汽车方面的开销。好的,今天我们学习的词是slump...
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