428 waive

今天我们要学的词是waive。 Waive, 是放弃权利的意思。维吉尼亚州向去年维吉尼亚理工大学枪击事件的遇难者家庭提出了补偿方案。"The families will have to waive their right to sue in exchange for $100,000 apiece," 每个家庭可以得到十万美元,但必须放弃控告政府的权利。"The school agreed to waive the application fee for him," 学校同意让他免交申请费。"It is common for credit card companies to waive the annual fee for the first year," 信用卡公司常常会免除第一年的年费。好的,今天我们学习的词是waive...
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