453 trend

今天我们要学的词是trend。 Trend, 是趋势、倾向的意思。"There is a downward trend in sales this year," 今年销售额有下滑的趋势。"A new report says media freedom has declined around the world, continuing a six-year trend," 一份最新报告说,世界各地媒体自由出现下滑,继续了六年来的走势。"Buck the trend," buck, 意思是逆势而行。

美国房地产市场持续萧条的今天,肯塔基州今年第一季度银行没收房产的案件却比去年同期减少了。"Kentucky was one of four states that have bucked the trend," 肯塔基州是美国四个逆势而行的州之一。好的,今天我们学习的词是trend...

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