459 handpick

今天我们要学的词是handpick。 Handpick, 是亲自挑选的意思。"The new actor was handpicked by the director for the role," 导演亲自挑选了这名新演员出演这个角色。星期三,德米特里.梅德韦杰夫宣誓就任俄罗斯新总统。"Dmitry Medvedev was handpicked by Putin as his successor," 梅德韦杰夫是普京亲自挑选的接班人。美国底特律市的市长最近一直身陷丑闻。

上星期又有消息说,"The head of Internal Affairs was handpicked and promoted by the mayor," 底特律内务部门的负责人是他一手挑选和提拔上来的。好的,今天我们学习的词是handpick...

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