469 condolence

今天我们要学的词是condolence。 Condolence, 这个词常用复数。 "Condolences," 是吊唁、慰问的意思。 "U.S President Bush signed a book of condolences during a visit to the Chinese Embassy," 美国总统布什前往中国使馆,在吊唁簿上签字。

在此之前, "The U.S. Senate passed a resolution extending condolences to the victims of China's earthquake," 美国参议院通过决议,对中国地震的死难者表示哀悼。 "European officials also expressed condolences to the Chinese people," 欧洲官员也对中国人民表示了慰问。好的,今天我们学习的词是condolence...

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