494 racial

今天我们要学的词是racial。 Racial, 是种族的意思。 "Racial discrimination," 种族歧视。 "Racial tension," 种族关系紧张。华盛顿邮报的一份最新民调显示, "Three in ten Americans admit feelings of racial bias," 美国十分之三的人承认有种族歧视的情绪。

美国著名电台节目主持人伊姆斯再次惹火上身。 "Imus drew criticism over a racial comment he made on air," 伊姆斯在节目上说的话涉嫌种族歧视,因此受到批评。 "Imus defended his racial joke as just being sarcastic," 伊姆斯做出辩护,说自己的种族笑话本意是要讽刺挖苦。好,今天我们学习的词是racial...

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