542 stay put

今天我们要学的词是stay put。 Stay put, 是留在原地的意思。虽然风暴“古斯塔夫”的风力已经减弱, "Officials urged almost two million evacuees to stay put for another day," 但是有关官员还是敦促撤走的将近两百万人留在原地,再等一天的时间。 "Some other people decided to stay put despite the warning over Gustav," 另外一些人则不顾警告,根本没有撤离住所。与此同时, "Red Cross volunteers in Florida are being asked to stay put," 红十字会要求佛罗里达州的志愿者们继续留守。好的,今天我们学习的词是stay put...
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