557 confide

今天我们要学的词是U-turn。 U-turn, 是180度转弯,掉头的意思,经常用来指彻底转变。 "He made a U-turn on his campaign promise of lowering taxes after being elected," 他当选后,彻底改变了减税的竞选誓言。 "He helped the homeless boy make a U-turn on the road of life," 他帮助这个无家可归的孩子彻底改变了生活道路。英国因为关押未成年的非法移民,受到联合国的置疑。 "The government was forced to make a U-turn on its treatment of migrant children," 英国政府因此被迫在对待移民儿童的做法上彻底改变政策。好的,今天我们学习的词是U-turn...
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