574 depression

今天我们要学的词是food stamp。 大家都知道,food是食物,stamp是邮票的意思。两个字加在一起food stamp可不是食物邮票的意思,而是美国政府发给穷人的食品券。 "More than 29 million Americans received food stamps in July," 七月份美国有2900多万人领取食品券。

为了体会他们的处境,密西根州长和三大汽车厂家的总裁接受挑战。 "They have accepted a "Food Stamp Challenge" to limit their grocery bills to no more than $5.70 a day," 他们接受了“食品券挑战”,把每天的食品消费限制在五美元七十美分以内。好的,今天我们学习的词是food stamp...

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