587 mock election

今天我们要学的词是mock election。 Mock election, 是模拟选举的意思。虽然孩子们不能投票,但每次大选都是对他们进行选举教育的天赐良机。 "In classrooms across the nation, students have been casting ballots in mock elections," 全美各地的学生们纷纷在模拟选举中投票。 "For decades, kids have cast their ballots in mock elections and have been on target in every election except one," 几十年来,孩子们模拟投票的结果都准确预测了总统大选的胜利者,只有一次例外。你能猜到是哪次吗?告诉你,就是克林顿1992年当选的那一次。好的,今天我们学习的词是mock election...
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