科特迪瓦发生踩踏事件60人丧生 60 Killed in Ivory Coast Stampede

02 January, 2013




一位科特迪瓦记者对美国之音说,当时向相反方向移动的两股人流在一条狭窄的街道上发生冲撞。 另一名目击者对美国之音说,执法人员封锁了该地区的出口,致使人群动弹不得。

Officials in Ivory Coast say at least 60 people were crushed to death during a stampede at a New Year's celebration in Abidjan.

Rescue workers say about 50 others were injured in the incident early Tuesday near a stadium in the Plateau district, where hundreds of thousands of people had gathered to watch fireworks.

Most of those killed were children and teenagers. The government says it is investigating what caused the stampede. President Alassane Ouattara calls it a national tragedy.

One Ivorian journalist tells VOA that two large waves of people, moving in opposite directions, bumped into each other on a narrow street.

Another witness tells VOA that law enforcement blocked an exit in the area, which kept the crowd from moving.