618 hands-on

今天我们要学的词是hands-on。 Hands-on, 是亲自动手实践的意思。美国当选总统奥巴马提名芝加哥公校教育主管阿恩.邓肯为下届政府的教育部长。奥巴马称赞邓肯说, "When it comes to school reforms, Arne is the most hands-on of hands-on practitioners," 在教学改革的问题上,阿恩是最亲历亲为的人。让我们再来看看芝加哥六次连任的市长戴利。 "Daley was described by those who know him as a hands-on mayor who personally calls the responsible department when he sees a pothole," 认识他的人都说,戴利是一位亲历亲为的市长,看见路上有坑,他会亲自给负责部门打电话。好的,今天我们学习的词是hands-on...
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