631 choke up

今天我们要学的词是choke up。 Choke up, 意思是心情激动,一时说不出话来。 "He choked up and could not finish the sentence," 他话讲到一半就激动得说不下去了。 "She still chokes up every time she looks at her late husband's pictures," 她每次看到去世的丈夫的相片,还是感到十分心酸。美国当选总统奥巴马星期天离开芝加哥,前往华盛顿,为就职做准备。临行前,他翻阅着女儿的好朋友送过来的相册,再看看即将人去楼空的房子。奥巴马承认,自己一下子百感交加。 "I've got to say that I choked up a little bit leaving my house today," 好的,今天我们学习的词是choke...
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