651 nailbiter

今天我们要学的词是nailbiter。 Nailbiter, 作为名词,一般是指紧张的比赛,或是充满悬念的影片。 "The film was described as a suspenseful nailbiter by the critics," 影评人士说,这部影片充满了悬念。上星期天是美国43届橄榄球超级杯。一般说来,超级杯比赛本身并不是看点,可是今年的超级杯却异常激烈, "The game proved to be a nailbiter to the very end," 比赛直到最后一分钟才见分晓。 "Pittsburgh Steelers fans were thrilled after the nailbiter victory," 匹兹堡钢人队的球迷为这场异常紧张的比赛的胜利感到欢欣鼓舞。 好的,今天我们学习的词是nailbiter...
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