673 earmarkt

今天我们要学的词是earmark。 Earmark, 一般是指经过美国国会批准的专用款项。 "The Senate voted to keep thousands of earmarks in a spending bill on Tuesday," 参议院星期二投票决定保留支出议案中数千项专用开支。在2008年总统大选期间, "Both President Obama and Senator McCain denounced earmarks," 现任总统奥巴马和参议员麦凯恩都对专用款项提出过批判。但是白宫官员日前表示, "President Obama will sign the spending bill, despite his past criticisms of earmarks," 虽然奥巴马以前曾对专用款项提出批判,但还是会在支出议案上签字。好的,今天我们学习的词是earmark...
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