715 go though the roof

今天我们要学的词是go through the roof。 Roof 是房顶的意思。Go through the roof冲破房顶,意思就是超过了最高极限。"The unemployment rate went through the roof," 失业率飞涨。"Due to shortages, the price of wheat has gone through the roof," 由于供应不足,小麦价格飞涨。

一周来,猪流感的爆发引起了普遍担忧。"The panic level concerning Swine Flu is going through the roof," 民众对猪流感极度关心。因为担心奥巴马新政府限制枪支自由,"Gun sales have gone through the roof in recent months," 最近几个月的枪支销售量暴涨。好的,今天我们学习的词是 go through the roof...

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