729 out of the woods

今天我们要学的词是out of the woods。 Out of the woods意思是已经脱离了危险或困境。虽然 H1N1甲型流感在美国民众中引起的恐慌已经逐渐消退,"CDC officials warn that we are not yet out of the woods," 但是美国疾病预防控制中心的官员说,我们并没有完全脱离危险。

电脑业巨头惠普公司宣布,今年第二季度的公司盈利暴跌17%,准备裁员六千四百人。业界分析人士说,"It seems the high-tech industry is not out of the woods yet," 看来高科技产业尚未走出经济衰退的阴影。好的,今天我们学习的词是out of the woods...

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