733 turf war

今天我们要学的词是turf war。 Turf是地盘的意思,turf war地盘之争,势力范围之争。。墨西哥联邦部队拘捕了十名市长和另外十八名官员,因为他们涉嫌保护贩毒集团。"In Mexico, turf wars between drug gangs have killed about 2,300 people so far this year," 墨西哥贩毒团伙间的地盘之争今年已经造成大约两千三百人死亡。

跟毒品交易有关的暴力去年在墨西哥造成六千人死亡。"U.S. officials fear that turf wars between rival gangs could spill across the border into the United States," 美国官员担心墨西哥贩毒团伙间的地盘之争会跨过边境,影响到美国。好的,今天我们学习的词是turf war...

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